Scholz Loses vote!
#455042 / vista 149 vecesScholz Loses confidence vote!
Política » Nacional Internacional Elecciones Ejército & Seguridad Impuestos Tercer Mundo Terrorismo Finanzas Pensión Economía & Dinero Tecnología Medio Ambiente Salud Familia & Juventud Educación Confederaciones Trabajos & Social Inmigración Fraude & Corrupción Histórico Otros Conflictos & Guerra Políticos Partidos Privacidad & Cliente Democracia Energía
comentarios (3)
With your portrayal of Zelenskyj you have hit him very well! If Zelenskyj asks for a loan, it's certainly not to build himself a fairytale castle with a swimming pool!
MorituruS, hace 4 horas reportar contestar applause 0
With your portrayal of Zelenskyj you have hit him very well! If Zelenskyj asks for a loan, it's certainly not to build himself a fairytale castle with a swimming pool!
Shahid Atiq, hace 9 horas reportar contestar applause 0
Barthold, hace 11 horas reportar contestar applause 0