Double Standards!
#458091 / vista 228 vecesDouble Standards!
Política » Nacional Internacional Elecciones Ejército & Seguridad Impuestos Tercer Mundo Terrorismo Finanzas Pensión Economía & Dinero Tecnología Medio Ambiente Salud Familia & Juventud Educación Confederaciones Trabajos & Social Inmigración Fraude & Corrupción Histórico Otros Conflictos & Guerra Políticos Partidos Privacidad & Cliente Democracia Energía
comentarios (2)
Trump trumpets into a megaphone. I don't believe that he has the ability to resolve international conflicts.
In the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, he is unilaterally on Netanyahu's side, so he cannot gain acceptance among the Palestinians.
His ideas on the Ukraine conflict are still largely unclear.
Shahid Atiq, hace 1 día reportar contestar applause 0
In the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, he is unilaterally on Netanyahu's side, so he cannot gain acceptance among the Palestinians.
His ideas on the Ukraine conflict are still largely unclear.
Barthold, hace 1 día reportar contestar applause 0