Salto Meru
#99759 / vista 5635 vecesSalto Meru or Meru Falls, VENEZUELA! It´s in the 3rd biggest national Park worldwide, called La Gran Sabana NP! This photo I shot 1994/95 with the SAMSUN AF SLIM ZOOM.
Naturaleza » Plantas Bosque Universo la Tierra Mares & Océanos Descubrimientos Protección de la Naturaleza
comentarios (5)
A big hug, Andrea.
azamponi, on 14 14+00:00 October 14+00:00 2010 reportar contestar applause 0
I would probbly swim up there or...
You can try! The´re just 90 meter!
Thanx Danny, Maurice, Hezz!
RnRicco, on 05 05+00:00 October 05+00:00 2010 reportar contestar applause 0
Hezz, on 05 05+00:00 October 05+00:00 2010 reportar contestar applause 0
MoArt Rotterdam, on 04 04+00:00 October 04+00:00 2010 reportar contestar applause 0
Krinisty, on 04 04+00:00 October 04+00:00 2010 reportar contestar applause 0