Papa Francis In Brazil
#205186 / vista 2625 vecesBrazilian Tribal People use to Worship the Nature around them..They were very well custodian of the vast area... When White Man came with Jesus Christ... They took from them the vast area of land... They gave them Jesus... After them everybody knows what happen... Deforestation,Mining,Destruction,etc.etc.
Naturaleza » Medio Ambiente Animales Insectos Animales amenazados Bosque Universo la Tierra Mares & Océanos Clima Descubrimientos Protección de la Naturaleza Destrucción Ecológica
comentarios (2)
edda von sinnen, on 30 30+00:00 July 30+00:00 2013 reportar contestar applause 0
yasar kemal turan, on 30 30+00:00 July 30+00:00 2013 reportar contestar applause 0