For Dreaming
#399864 / vista 2058 vecesEveryone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (article 17)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Política » Nacional Internacional Impuestos Finanzas Pensión Economía & Dinero Familia & Juventud Trabajos & Social Otros Políticos Democracia
comentarios (5)
Enrico Bertuccioli, on 16 16+00:00 February 16+00:00 2022 reportar contestar applause 0
Shahid Atiq, on 11 11+00:00 February 11+00:00 2022 reportar contestar applause 0
everywhere the same problems!
The life is really getting harder in Turkey day by day. Majority of the people are in misery. Early elections are inevitable, but there are those who avoid as you know.
Thank you Andi
L&G :)
menekse cam, on 08 08+00:00 February 08+00:00 2022 reportar contestar applause 0
Auch wenn man die Inflation herausrechnet?
Barthold, on 05 05+00:00 February 05+00:00 2022 reportar contestar applause 0
zenundsenf, on 05 05+00:00 February 05+00:00 2022 reportar contestar applause 0