Bruce Willis caricature
#43822 / vista 16016 vecesFor this Bruce Willis caricature I wanted to work from photo reference which portrayed him as the action man we've come to know him as. So what better than a screen shot straight from Die Hard 4. I loved the lighting in this scene and enjoyed painting it. My process for this, the first full colour caricature in the course, was to do a detailed black and white value painting. I spent the majority of the overall time working on this stage. Next I painted a layer in colorize mode blocking in with my split compilation palette before returning to normal mode and detailing the piece in a direct painting style. After a bit of horizontal flipping and a few structural changes I was now happy he no longer looked like a distorted potato and pleased with the finished result.
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jonmoss, on 17 17+00:00 November 17+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
dkovats, on 17 17+00:00 November 17+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
Ridha Ridha, on 11 11+00:00 November 11+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
Alexandru Ifrim, on 09 09+00:00 September 09+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
iori, on 28 28+00:00 August 28+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
elle62, on 18 18+00:00 August 18+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
naths, on 10 10+00:00 June 10+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
spot_on_george, on 29 29+00:00 April 29+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
popestvictor, on 18 18+00:00 April 18+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0
Playa from the Hymalaya, on 18 18+00:00 April 18+00:00 2009 reportar contestar applause 0