Anti - Anti Semitic PINATA
#322966 / vista 3525 vecesIn 2018 America has repeated another horrendous act of inhumanity. The caging of sentient human beings, separating families, caging them like vermin, because they were seeking asylum. This not our first stain on our history, it was done with the native Americans, the Japanese Americans, crimes against humanity. In this case, All because a little man named Stephen M. was shot down when he asked a Mexican girl out, and a weak man child who has never taken responsibility for any of his actions and has added nothing to the benefit of humanity.
Política » Nacional Internacional Elecciones Ejército & Seguridad Impuestos Tercer Mundo Terrorismo Finanzas Economía & Dinero Salud Educación Trabajos & Social Inmigración Fraude & Corrupción Conflictos & Guerra Partidos Democracia
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